A Letter of Love

If you receive this letter, you are one whom I am not sure knows the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Let me say I do not seek to judge you or condemn you, you are one for whom I intercede on your behalf for salvation.
My experience over the years has led me to the assurance that one God loves everyone. That he desires salvation for all. That he provided a Way and His name is the Lord Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son.
God is a God of love He is also a God of judgment. Sin is something that has to be dealt with its like a debt that one can only find relief from by paying the debt or that someone pays the debt for them or that the debt is forgiven. The Lord Jesus Christ paid the debt for our sins through Him we can find our debts paid and the slate wiped clean. I believe the only way to deal with sin is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” is scripture we have heard since we were children. It’s just as true today as it was when Jesus said it.
God is all about love, judgment happens only when we deserve it. I can’t make amends for all my sins though I believe one should try wherever they can. I am a sinner saved by Grace, is the only way I can go on with my life. Were it not for my faith in that Grace I would have a hard time facing life and would have no hope.
Everyone will experience judgment for the good or the bad done while in the body, unless we are His children then our sins are cast to the bottom of the seas never to be remembered anymore.
I love you but this a warning, God is real, The Heavenly Father is on His Throne - Jesus is who He said He is- The Holy Spirit is real, the Bible is the Word of God and trustworthy.
Accept the free offer of the Lord Jesus Christ today you may have no tomorrow or you will have a tomorrow where you will spend it is your choice.
If Jesus is your Saviour but you have not lived a life for Him repent of your sins today and experience the wonderful gift of forgiveness and “sin no more”
Love , James Reid Ross