A diet doesn't have to be a hard or complicated matter. Have been eating healthy on a low budget for a good while. I have lost weight but have been compromised when visitors come and buy the food they eat. It sets me back but so far I have come back eventually to where I was before they came.
This leads to an important fact and Jim Bakker said it the other day its what food you have on hand that has a large part in determining what you eat.
I had a pizza today not a big thing. I bought it this morning it was a 1.89 Tony's pizza I cooked it cut it to four pieces. Had on with my 10 am meal, one for snack at 2 - 2.5 hrs snack interval one for evening meal and one for a snack two hours later. That is what you need is discipline not to eat the whole thing one time its loading up that creates fat. Lots of sugar can do the same thing.
This is how it goes you go to restaurant get a burger and fries and a large drink this spikes the glucose in your blood stream a signal goes off too much sugar in the blood so the excess is stored as fat. Doesn't take much as a fat molecule has a lot of water in it so you gain rapidly. That water is stored not usable unless your body says use fat for energy.
This is why you gain lbs when you have diabetes and why you loose it when you take meds. In diabetics the insulin is rejected by the cells the insulin carries the glucose molecule into the cell to give it fuel when the cell rejects the insulin blood sugar spikes, ie which turns to fat. There is a theory that it is fat in the cells that keeps the insulin from coming in. I went on a low fat diet and cut the white stuff out, no white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes low not fructose no corn syrup my a-1c went from about 7.2 to a 5.6 or so. Eat healthy read the labels eat organic as much as possible or eat fruits and vegetables that don't have much need for pesticides. Such as brocolli, bugs don't like, carrots which are in the ground so they don't get sprayed. Pears fresh pears not canned ones pear don't require spraying. If you eat apples and peaches from an orchard peel them or wash with something to remove the pesticides. more later God bless.
This leads to an important fact and Jim Bakker said it the other day its what food you have on hand that has a large part in determining what you eat.
I had a pizza today not a big thing. I bought it this morning it was a 1.89 Tony's pizza I cooked it cut it to four pieces. Had on with my 10 am meal, one for snack at 2 - 2.5 hrs snack interval one for evening meal and one for a snack two hours later. That is what you need is discipline not to eat the whole thing one time its loading up that creates fat. Lots of sugar can do the same thing.
This is how it goes you go to restaurant get a burger and fries and a large drink this spikes the glucose in your blood stream a signal goes off too much sugar in the blood so the excess is stored as fat. Doesn't take much as a fat molecule has a lot of water in it so you gain rapidly. That water is stored not usable unless your body says use fat for energy.
This is why you gain lbs when you have diabetes and why you loose it when you take meds. In diabetics the insulin is rejected by the cells the insulin carries the glucose molecule into the cell to give it fuel when the cell rejects the insulin blood sugar spikes, ie which turns to fat. There is a theory that it is fat in the cells that keeps the insulin from coming in. I went on a low fat diet and cut the white stuff out, no white bread, pasta, rice, potatoes low not fructose no corn syrup my a-1c went from about 7.2 to a 5.6 or so. Eat healthy read the labels eat organic as much as possible or eat fruits and vegetables that don't have much need for pesticides. Such as brocolli, bugs don't like, carrots which are in the ground so they don't get sprayed. Pears fresh pears not canned ones pear don't require spraying. If you eat apples and peaches from an orchard peel them or wash with something to remove the pesticides. more later God bless.