Just came off a one day fast not an easy thing in winter but empowering one thing you should def do on a fast is pray pray pray Matthew 17:1 "But this kind does not come out except by prayer and fasting." yes listening to BBN stellar Classics narrated by Lyn Brooks amazing stories both Stories of Great Christians and Christian Classics both of which should be on "on demand" tales of two great women heroines missionaries which put us all to shame. " But back to higher wisdom, talking to nephew we all have those cravings for burgers fries and shakes and I do believe that occasionally you need to satisfy that urge. Just don't make it a habit if you can't control it fast a day or two and pray about it. God will give you higher wisdom about eating, fasting prayer and life in general. I have been challenged on this and have not taken the high road quite frequently listen to the voice of Wisdom God surrounds us with a Great Cloud of Witnesses and sometime they speak to us. Listen to the wisdom God will give you which is for higher cravings cravings of good foods detrimental are the ones we get cravings from the flesh or from demons that lead to destruction, take the higher Wisdom that which is healthy and vital for your body and your soul. Enjoying a kale tomato yogurt cantaloupe smoothie make in a blender just put in some spring water or homemade green tea for smoothness, have Nurtibullet on the way can't wait for that but blender is doing quite nicely. I should say while juicing or blending I saw a vision, out of the blender water was flowing I believe it was Living Water was flowing out as Christ Jesus said "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." that include you and me all of us.
God bless AGAPE in Christ.
God bless AGAPE in Christ.